TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


The Big Idea

Oh hey. I'm Matt. I'm a recent film grad feeling a little (a lot) lost in this big world. I'm perpetually bored, and feeling creatively empty. I've recently done some freelance things, which reminded me how much happier I am when I have something creative to do. I have a lot of time on my hands now, and I desperately need something to do with it.

A couple weeks ago my good friend Victor announced a little project/idea he was going to start doing. I thought this was a really good idea, so I stole it. I've changed most of the activities to be more pertinent to my interests.

At the beginning of the week I will roll a 20 sided die (that I own from my past dabblings in being a total nerd) and do the activity that coincides with the Roll List.

The Roll List

1-10: Theory
11-20: Practice

  1. Listen to an album I’ve never heard and write about it
  2. Watch a movie I’ve never seen and review it
  3. Analyze one of my favorite albums
  4. Analyze one of my favorite movies
  5. Analyze one of my favorite songs
  6. Write about a director/cinematographer/etc. I love
  7. Write about anything
  8. Read something and write about it
  9. Write about an artist
  10. Analyze the sound of a scene
  11. Recreate the sound of a scene
  12. Change the sound of a scene to make it entirely different
  13. Make a video essay
  14. Write/record a radio play
  15. Shoot something, anything and edit it
  16. Record one podcast
  17. Music video without music
  18. Work on Jonesy and the Big Chap animation
  19. Create/record some sound effects
  20. Roll a D-6. If even, pick any activity 1-10; if odd pick  any activity 11-20
It took quite a bit to come up with this list, but I'm actually pretty happy with. The list is subject to change, and I'll be feeling all this out over the next few weeks. I will expand on what each roll means as they come up, but I think most are pretty self explanatory. I will make a post about my experience with each Practice activity and I will roll the die three times, for three activities. I won't necessarily do the activities in the order they're rolled.

The Schedule

    Monday: Start Activity 1
    Tuesday: Post Activity 1
    Wednesday: Start Activity 2
    Thursday: Post Activity 2
    Friday: Start Activity 3
    Saturday: Post Activity 3
    Sunday: Wrap-up post, re-roll

This schedule gives me two days to work on each activity, which may not always be necessary. Say if I roll three Theory activities, then I may roll one or more extra - I'll bring attention to this when/if it happens. Three Contentstm a week is my goal, but I may go over or under depending on the rolls and how my week goes. Sometimes life happens. Every Sunday I will do a sort of weekly wrap-up and roll for the next week's activity - where I will disclose if I rolled extra activities.

So that's Project TimeSync (get it, like "time sink"). I'm pretty excited, hopefully I will be good or at least entertaining. Be sure to follow me here at this blog, and also give Victor a follow since it was his idea and he is generally more talented than I.

And the first rolls are: 17, 15, 5