TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


Week 1: Wrap Up

So that was week one. It was moderately successful start. I opened on Tuesday with a poor "analysis" of Between the Saltmarsh and the Sea by Stornoway.

This was an easy and sort of cop out first post, and I realize now that I am probably the worst person to analyze music cause I really know nothing about music. So we'll see if I end up keeping that activity in. Let me know what you thought of it, tell me I'm bad or whatever. It's helpful to have feedback.

Next up was the Music Video Without Music. This one was hard but I ended up with a really fulfilling product. I'm really happy to start working with sound again, but I'm gonna need to sort out my Pro Tools cause I may end up smashing my desk apart if it keeps not working. When it works it's great and when it doesn't it's the most painful thing in the world.

And lastly was Shoot Anything and Edit it. Which I didn't do. I'm really off to a strong start here. Things came up on the weekend and I wasn't really prepared. But no excuses. I'm a vile, lazy creature. I'm gonna try to step it up and be a good boy.

Rolls for this week are: 18(Work on Jonesy and the Big Chap animation), 9(Write about an artist I love), 7(Write about anything)

I look forward to being a good boy again.