TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


Week 5: Wrap Up

Greetings, folks.

Another week of me slacking off, kinda. I am pretty happy with what I did do, but I am very sad about what I didn't. I only did 2 Theory Activities (though I like them both) and didn't get around to any official Practice Activities. I did, however, do location sound for a pretty rad project so I'm gonna count that as a success. I'll probably post it all when it comes out, and maybe I'll even have some rad preview's for you.

I started off the week with a viewing of "The Evil Dead". My thoughts in brief: If the entire movie was as good as the last quarter, I would love it. Although in a brief conversation with friend-of-the-show Jared Slife, he pointed out that it's interesting because you can see Sam Raimi grow as a filmmaker and find a style throughout the film, which I agree with very much. And the style he finds at the end is raaaaaad. I'm excited to check out "Evil Dead 2" sometime soon.

Next up is my War and Peace, my Les Miserables, an album analysis of Yeezus. This thing is long. I spent well over three hours writing it. I listened to each song three or four times each. And I think it all turned out pretty good! But this is a niche post, you probably already know whether or not you want to read it. Thesis: I think the album is good.

What will I attempt to do this week? I don't know. Let us find out together.

7, 9 15, 17, 2.

Those are "Write about anything", "Take notes on a film as I watch it", "Shoot something, anything and edit it", "Music video without music", "Watch a movie I’ve never seen and review it". I'm excited about these. Odds are I will combine 9 and 2, and that it will be "Evil Dead 2" - the idea behind 9 is that I take notes and then post them here for all to see. I think there has only been one week where I didn't roll "Music video without music". Oh well, maybe I'll actually do it this time. Those are your rolls for week six, and who knows I may post an addendum to week five with some sweet footage of me doing rad stuff from my shoot.

Hasta la vista.

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