Hey everyone, quick update on my last activity of the week, which I last described as a mix of "record a podcast" and "radio play". I'm currently in the midst of editing this thing down, but there is a lot more than I thought, so if I want to do this thing as well as it deserves, I need more time. Luckily I run this ship, baby, I make the rules. So here's what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna make this activity one of my rolls for next week so that I can continue. I'll do it as my first activity of Week 4 and have it up on Tuesday. I feel like this is totally fair, and may end up happening in the future - because often my ambition outweighs my ability. And rather than just rushing things and turning them in "on time" I want to be a good boy. So I'll mention all of this in tomorrows Wrap Up post.
In the meantime, and as a way to "prove" that I'm actually working on this, enjoy this screenshot.
Yeah. I'm doing all of my editing - the actual chopping up of the clips - in Premiere just because that kind of thing is easier for me than in Pro Tools. Also, I'm pretty sure my Pro Tools is still borked and I don't wanna deal with that.
Quick update four hours after initial posting, I finished the actual editing, or at least 98% of it.
There will be fine tuning/massaging but I got our three hours of recording down to an hour and fifteen minutes.