TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


Week 3: Wrap Up

Thus ends week 3.

I ended up being pretty busy this week being both an ac-tor and an award nominated location sound guy, so I didn't end up having as much time for things as I initially anticipated.

But the week started out with a song analysis of Kanye West's "Blood on the Leaves". I think I did a decent job at this "analysis". If you're interested in that kind of genre or anything, check it out.

Next up was an album analysis of Neil Cicierega's Mouth Silence. Unfortunately this post got rushed as that was a day that I was on location sound duty. So I talk a bit about the first few songs and then I looked at the clock and rushed the rest of it. I'm rather disappointed and I'll have to work on not worrying about the clock in the future.

Lastly, yesterday's post. I wrote about what this was gonna be all about in last weeks re roll, but basically I'm editing down a role playing game some friends and I recorded a year ago and I'm gonna add sound to it. And if I want to do this right, I need more time. So I'm extending this activity to be on of this weeks activities. I edited it all down for yesterday's post (three hours into an hour-fifteen) and so now I'm gonna give myself ample days to do the sound right.

So onto the rolls for this week. Automatically I am adding the thing I just explained, and only rolling twice. Those rolls are:

17, and 9.

Those are "Music Video Without Music" (again), and "Write about an artist" (again). Ugh. I keep rolling the same things over and over. How is this possible.

Either way, I'm looking forward to this week. That's two Practice Activities and only one Theory, so we'll see if I can handle it, cause every other week has been two Theory and one Practice.

Au revoir.