TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


Week 2: Work on Jonesy and the Big Chap - Storyboards 1

Jonesy and the Big Chap was an assignment I made last year for my VFX class. I was really proud of it - still am - but I always wanted there to be more than just the one scene. So that's what this activity is meant to be, time for me to work on a little "passion project". But as it is an animation, I need to do a lot of pre production before I get to actually animate. I need to figure out how I want to tell the story, research the scenes I want to do, storyboard, make the characters, rig the characters, design the sets. I decided to start with storyboarding, which was a bad idea. Because storyboarding is where I have to decide a lot of stuff - including story points and set design, both of which are really important. But now I know.

So I didn't get a lot of shots mapped out, because I basically immediately realized that I need to do more work before I get to boards, but here's what I got.

I was really happy with my first frames and then I had to draw the cat and I remembered that I suck at drawing. Look at his face, wtf is with his face?

It was at this point that I realized that I need to do more decision making. Obviously this isn't a lot to present to you. So I'm gonna post my boards for the original short to feel better about myself. Prepare for some bare minimum drawing talent though.

Sooooo yeah. Sorry this post is late, I was busy last night being an actor. My wrap-up post will be up later tonight too.