TimeSync, get it like when something is a "time sink" but I changed "sink" to "sync" cause I do sound stuff. I am very clever.


Week 6: Wrap Up

Another lackluster week. Sorry folks. Things just keep coming up. It wasn't a total failure though.

I opened this week with a viewing of "Evil Dead 2", a film which I very much enjoyed.  There's also notes that I took while watching the film in that post, if you want to see my thought process while watching movies. I'm not interesting never pay attention to me.

Next up I actually released some worthwhile content with my Juniors Abroad video that I finally got around to finishing. I'm very happy with this and have watched it several times since releasing it. One of the good parts of this project is that it gives me an excuse to go back and finish stuff that I've been meaning to get around to. If you just click on one link in this post, let it be this one.

I also want to give a quick heads up/shout out. Today I saw the movie Arrival and it was very very good. It was one of the best movies I've seen in theatres and a near flawless film in my dumb and bad opinion. If you like science fiction go see this. Or if you have good taste, like me, go see this.

It's late and I'm in my bed so I don't wanna get up and roll my dice, so I'm gonna come back and update this post tomorrow morning with my rolls. Luckily no one reads this blog so that'll be fine.


Okay, here's the rolls:

5, 13, 2, 16, 15.

That's "Analyze one of my favorite songs", "Video Essay", "Watch a movie I’ve never seen and review it ", "Record one Podcast", "Shoot something, anything and edit it ". Well well well. Heads up, I'm filming stuff Tuesday and Wednesday so I'll be busy, but hopefully I'll get a theory activity knocked out.


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